Rates & Info

Class Rates

Studio Enrollment Polices

Registration Fees

An annual registration fee (per student) is due at the time of new student enrollment. If a student takes a break of 30 days or more there a $25 re-enrollment fee will be assessed to your account.

  • September – June: Registration fee is $40.00
  • July – August: Registration fee is $15.00
  • If students drop for more than a month, they will be required to pay a re-enrollment fee of $ 25.00. Participants/ Parents are responsible for notifying the office of any change of information (address, credit card, phone number, etc.) Registration payments are non-refundable.
  • Registration fees do not apply to drop-in adult classes


CPAA holds an annual year-end recital in June. Dancing in the recital is optional and not a requirement to participate in classes. Expenses will include costumes, recital tickets, and tights/shoes/undergarments.

Depending on dancer’s age and level, a class might be expected to perform in anywhere between 1-4 shows. Exact details will be released in April. Families may need to attend more than one show in order to see all their children(s)’ dances.

Costumes are required for each routine a student will be performing in the year-end recital. Prices range from $90-100 per costume. Costumes MUST be paid in full by December 15th. Costumes not paid in full by December 15th will be subject to an additional charge of $20.00 per costume and will not be ordered until payment is received. Costumes are nonrefundable for any dancers who drop classes or choose against participation in the June recital.

For planning purposes and costume shipping concerns, recital participation closes after 1/31. All new enrollments after 2/1 are not guaranteed participation. Classes that use DIY costumes are subject to teacher approval. For all classes that use catalog costumes, participation closes 1/31.

CPAA’s 2025 Art Alive Recital is scheduled for the week of June 10th-14th.


Billing & Enrollment Policies

Tuition is paid on a monthly basis in advance, is due by the 1st of the month, and is delinquent after the 7th. A $20.00 late fee will be automatically assessed for tuition received in our office after the 7th of the month. (No exceptions). It is the participant’s /parent’s responsibility to ensure payments are received.

Methods of payment accepted are cash, checks, and credit cards. If tuition is not paid in full by the 7th of the month, students will not be allowed to participate in class until all fees (including late fees) are paid in full.

If a student’s account is more than 30 days past due, they will be dropped from their class(es) and may lose their spot in class. Students are not permitted to re-register until their account is current. To participate in any studio functions including performances, students must not have any past due tuition or charges. Checks returned to the studio for insufficient funds will be charged a $25.00 service fee.

There are no refunds or adjustments made for missed classes. Tuition is based on enrollment, not attendance. No make-up lessons are offered to maintain class sizes and rosters. Your tuition payment serves a hold for your space in the class, whether you are in attendance or not. Tuition is based on a 10-month program (September – June) and includes all holiday closures and recital week. We ask that parents please notify the office if your child will be missing class so we can inform their instructor.

Drop a Class

In the event that a student needs to withdraw from one or more classes prior to the end of the season, a written request must be made by the parent via this LINK. Drop requests need to be received by the 1st of the prior month (i.e. drops starting April 1st must be requested by March 1st). Please note: we only process drops on the first of the month.